Hey there!

Are you ready to Design

the Life you Want to Live?

I am Lara Madden, Health Coach, Life Coach & Licensed Real Estate Agent. At the age of 50 I knew I wanted to transition from my past career in higher education to work one on one with women to help them be more healthy, confident and bold in both their health goals and also in their career and financial goals.

We work on core strength for the body, mind and soul. Come join me!

Buyer & Seller Agent

Social Media Content

& Marketing Strategist

Large Call to Action Headline

Current Health Programs

Chugiak Eagle River

Senior Center

55+ Wellness Programs

Chair Yoga

Tues/Thurs 6:00pm

& Sat 11:00am

Circuit Class Sat 10:00am

Call 907.688.2677 for sign up info

Purchase Your Private Training Programs Here

Please make sure to have discussed your program choice personally with Lara before purchasing any programs. Programs that are purchased without a health assessment and interview will be refunded, but will incur refund and bank refund fees.

YOGA Club does not require a health assessment, please select the Unlimited Monthly or Individual Session. See you at The Scrapyard!

Once you have submitted payment you will receive a welcome email and calendar invite to your purchased product.

I am excited to be a part of your life design!


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